Kite is truly a sweet soul. I picked her up from her temporary foster very late one night. She was timid and very unsure that first day, but slept soundly with our other foster that first night. She did not appreciate close contact at first, I could see that she did not really trust me. But by the time we hit the 24 hr mark, she really opened up and figured it all out! And at a day and half in our house, she was lifting her legs for a belly-rub when you would come by her bed for a visit. Although once in a while she will let out bark when another dog disturbs her when on a dogbed, once she trusts you, polite adult (people) are not a problem at all.
Other than walking very carefully across the hardwood floors (she appreciates throw rug "islands" to maneuver an entire room of hardwoods), she does not act like a senior hound at all! But her graying face gives away her age...)! She runs in the yard, by herself or with a friend. She keeps trying to get our other foster to play with her, but Blessing just doesn't quite understand yet. Kite will play bow, and dance around her, with only one or two barks to try to engage the other dog. Then she just runs a lap or two on her own. In the house, she hasn't really played with toys yet for us, but she does try to play with the humans! You can get her all wound up by thumping your hands on the ground, and she jumps around alternately trying to get away from, or get to you... tail just a wagging like mad the whole time.
She is a perfect lady, does not have to be first rushing out the door or down the steps. She slept most of the way through me doing her nails, she accepts feet wiping, towel drying and eye drops without any hesitation, she waits patiently for her meals, and even daintily chews her food like a lady.
Although her size is not exactly ladylike. She is big for a female. Yes, I know that is not a compliment and there might be a more politically correct ways to say it... Don't misunderstand, she is not overweight! She is just a solid, bigger framed girl! And oh, her teddy-bear soft fuzzy coat is just so pettable... and the ears!... how can you not love those ears??(she's in the blue collar).
So if you are looking for a lovable, sweet, full of expression, girl, but don't want a drama-queen, fru-fru, girlie-girl, then come check her out!